Wednesday, July 06, 2011


I've decided to restructure my blog, and start anew! 365 books in 365 days becomes not only monotonous, but made me start suggesting books I don't really *adore* (I love reading, and read constantly, but coming up with 365 pieces of TRUE wonderfulness was difficult!). So I've decided to shake things up a bit. I'm going to do books every other day - and on the off days, I'll post about other loves of mine: pets, traveling, nail polish, my ongoing quest to find cosmetics and skin products that work on sensitive rosacea skin, my love of my job (teaching middle schoolers!) etc. So I'm going to go through and delete my old posts and start over! Since I'll be out of town so much of this month for work, and I don't know what my internet status will be, I'll most likely start again on August 1st.

See you then!


  1. I may have to travel to Macy's and/or Sephora to see if they have any in stock... That is THE Cutest!!!
